
Four Broad Categories in the Scope Of Operation

Summary. We are a Birmingham-based company, exceling in metal finishing and vibratory finishing services nationwide. We offer a free trial for process evaluation and cater to various industries with our wide range of finishing techniques, including deburring, polishing, and micro-finishing.


Based in Birmingham, Supersheen offers subcontract metal finishing nationwide. As experts in vibratory finishing, our company offers a F.O.C trial process service. Therefore, enabling process evaluation, including costings relating to your finishing requirements. Furthermore, the permutation of the type of equipment or choice of process to any one type of component part are many and varied. Moreover, the scope of the operation is now so wide that in the metal forming or machining industry, it is more than likely that Barrel or Vibratory finishing in its many forms can be used to an advantage.

Design and production engineers should be mindful of the advantages that can be achieved in any production sequence. It is therefore necessary for the engineers to have knowledge of the merits and limitations of the process. In addition, they should bear in mind tool design, machining sequences, route planning etc. Therefore, gaining the full benefits of the modern mass finishing technology.

Deciding on the Finishing Process

There are four basic points to consider when deciding upon any process evaluation.

  1. Is the component and surface requirement demanded compatible with vibratory – barreling on centrifugal processes?
  2. What is the best machine for the particular job?
  3. What media should be used?
  4. What compound or compounds should be used?

Any type of component can be processed without limitations. However, processing feasibility doesn’t always translate to practicality in terms of handling, installation, and production needs. Mass finishing techniques become viable across various industries when economic and quality justifications align reasonably.

The choice of equipment for a particular component is usually determined by the following:

a. The size of the component.
b. The geometry of the component.
c. The number of components produced.
d. The eventual finished requirement.

You may consider mass finishing of components if you can introduce them into a bulk finishing container and process them without causing damage or distortion.

To Consider the Scope of Process Applications

These can be classified under four broad categories namely:

  1. Grinding/Deburring
  2. Cleaning/Descaling
  3. Polishing/Burnishing
  4. Micro-finishing

Grinding / Deburring

Generally falls into the category of abrasive finishing either by the direct use of abrasive media in combination with a cleaning solution (invariably water based) or alternatively an abrasive compound is used in combination with the media to enhance the cutting effect of the media. The choice of media and compounds depends on the type of machine used and the required finish.

The “grinding” operation may be subdivided into four sub-groups as follows:

a. Deburring

This is the removal of burrs and sharp edges caused by machining or pressing. Deburring occurs because the process follows the component’s contours, attacking and removing sharp edges first, before any significant dimensional change happens in critical dimensions.


b. Radiusing

As a rule, you can consider radiusing an extension of deburring. You can achieve a true radius from a right-angle condition and control the degree of radius within certain parameters.

c. Blending (or Removing Stock)

This operation treats the entire surface, not just the edges, aiming to enhance the article’s appearance or blend irregularities in components that might experience fatigue during the process. Blending may also be used as a preliminary operation, prior to final barrel or vibratory polishing preceding electroplating.

d. Deflashing

This term refers to the processes applied in the pressure diecast industry. To remove dieflash, you fracture the thin section and blend the root of the dieflash, producing a casting free of sharp edges and loose flash.

The Cleaning / Descaling Category

Cleaning of components is a very wide field indeed and it may be that if a cleaning operation can be improved by employing mechanical action, then vibratory and barrel methods offer a very wide application.

You can use cleaning solutions, like detergent emulsifiers, to remove greases and soils if the component withstands mechanical action. Most cleaning operations, often ‘self’ barrelled or vibrated, don’t require media. Typical of this application is the screw and fastener industries.


The other main category of cleaning being:


This refers to the removal of heat treatment oxides or forging scale. It employs an acidic detergent in combination with media or self Barrel / Vibrate action. Moreover, this operation can replace the traditional strong acid dips used for scale removal. The fairly mild acid detergent has the ability to undermine the loosened oxide plus mechanical action. Industry widely uses this method to eliminate the hazards typically associated with strong acid pickling. Furthermore, the possibility of Hydrogen embrittlement is remote when considering descaling by this method.

Polishing Or Burnishing

This process, applicable to most metals, produces a bright, lustrous surface that reflects the metal’s natural base color.

Burnishing refers to a similar process to polishing, the only difference being that the media is usually metallic or non abrasive. The most common burnishing media being hardened steel balls. These in combination with polishing compounds produce very bright finishes on most metals.

The polishing/ burnishing operation is mainly used to enhance the final appearance of the metal component or prepare it for electroplating or lacquering.


This category is really a combination of Grinding and polishing. Employing compounds specifically blended for a particular operation. It finds its main uses in the industries calling for low micron finishes on hardened and ground components.

Metal Finishing and Vibratory Finishing Experts

Are you looking for leading vibratory finishing company for you metal components? Supersheen has the most comprehensive range of vibratory and barrel equipment ensuring quality results on millions of components. So, get in touch with our team today to get a quote. Call us on 0121 327 0027 or alternatively, you call email us at

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